Four Keys to Effective Role-Playing

Role Play

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Role-playing is the standard training method in the military, police, fire rescue, and sports. Role-playing is essential in professions where quick decision-making is necessary. That’s why role-playing should be a regular component of your sales training.

Role-playing is one of the ways to measure how well you are learning the new material. Reading a book or watching some training tapes is one thing, but putting what you know from books and videos into practice makes all the difference.

Role-playing isn’t meant to embarrass; it is intended to reinforce the content and the skill. Role-playing also proves that sales skill isn’t as easy as it looks. When you are watching a sales video or reading a sales book, you are “unconsciously incompetent” – you think you get it and follow along. But when you practice that skill, you become “consciously incompetent” – you know that you could do it better if you practiced a little bit more.

Role-playing is an essential tool that can help you improve your selling skills, but only when done correctly and consistently. Here are four suggestions for better role-playing results.

One – Role Play on a Regular Schedule.

Selling skills are like any other skill; the more you practice, the better you will perform. The top performers in any endeavor work to refine and improve their skills. They practice improving their skills regularly.  

They practice and rehearse before the team takes the field or an actor takes the stage. The public sees the results of that rehearsal. That’s what they pay for, to see a performance. In sales, it should be no different.

When the client sees the presentation, they should see the results of practice and rehearsal. That’s what they are paying for. Seven-time Super Bowl champion Tom Brady doesn’t just show up on Sunday to play ball. He trains all year long.

Two – Start with the Basics and Work Up.

The coach issues the players a playbook when summer football training camp begins. The players are required to memorize every play. You should create your own sales playbook. Start with something as simple as your greeting or appointment-setting script.

You already know some of the objections, stalls, or roadblocks you will encounter. Start with those and develop some new ways to respond.

Start with “I’m not interested” and learn how to overcome that before you move on to role-playing your closing techniques.

Or, how about “I tried Radio once, and it didn’t work” or “I already have too much business.”

It would be best to role-play all the various skill sets in the sales process, even long after you first learn them. Practice appointment setting, the customer needs assessment, the presentation, closing, and yes, even practice the service call. That’s how all the material remains fresh and relevant.

Three – Practice “Winning.”

At the beginning of summer football camp, the teams essentially play touch football. They practice the successful completion of the play before introducing the defense. We all need to know what winning feels like if we want to repeat winning. Practice getting the appointment or closing the sale before learning to overcome the defenses you might encounter. 

Sales managers take note. Don’t throw out every conceivable objection in the first training session. First, that is not lifelike; second, it is frustrating and reduces the willingness to learn. Let your salespeople win in role-playing; let them get the appointment or make the sale before increasing the complexity of the process.

Four – Record Your Role-Playing

Most telephones and tablets can record audio and video. Record your role-playing, either alone or with your partner. At first, you may feel uncomfortable, but the whole purpose of role-playing is to increase your confidence so you can perform better in front of your prospects.

You may not like role-playing at first. You may feel awkward or even embarrassed. Face it, that means you’re not ready for prime time. Even the most talented people get nervous when it comes time for the big game. You want to role-play so you can perform when you’re nervous and under pressure.

It is far better to role-play with your team where you can get a second or a third chance at making the presentation. You only get one chance once you get in front of the prospect, and you better not blow it.

The old saying “Practice makes perfect” isn’t always true. Practice makes permanent is more accurate. Perfect practice makes perfect permanent. Practicing something regularly permanently changes the neurological circuits in your brain.

Please let me know if you want help building your competency-based education curriculum. Click here to contact me.

Remember, you are only one decision away from becoming the person you deserve to be.

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