That’s Exactly Why I’m Calling

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People Don’t Like Spending Money on Advertising! They don’t like spending their money on something they can’t touch and feel. They don’t like spending their money on something that is difficult to understand. They don’t like spending their money on something that doesn’t generate an immediate return. That’s exactly why I’m calling!

If you are going to be any good at selling advertising, you must get good at confronting the number one reason people don’t like to buy, they don’t like to spend their money on advertising!

That’s exactly why I’m calling!

The only goal of ‘cold calling’ is to get an appointment with the prospect so that you can show them what you can do for them. Most of the objections you will get are just excuses to avoid contact. The prospect is afraid they will find themselves in a sales situation where they will feel obligated or pressured to buy something they don’t feel they need.

That’s exactly why I’m calling!

Therefore you must be prepared to get over this hurdle through the use of a good ‘cold calling’ techniques like these.

I’m not interested.

That’s exactly why I’m calling. What are you not interested in, making money or saving money? It only takes about 15 minutes to see how we do it. You be the judge. It’s up to you whether or not we do any business or not. Let’s get together. You can’t learn less. Let me come by on Tuesday, okay?

Send me some information.

That’s exactly why I’m calling! Our customers tell us the easiest way to learn about this is to see our 15 minute presentation. I promise, you are not going to be SOLD. We don’t believe in operating that way. Could I come by on Wednesday morning?

I have more business than I know what to do with.

That’s exactly why I’m calling, now. The best time to make future plans is when times are good, not when times are bad. You will at least learn how to squeeze out more profits from what you’re doing now. How about early Thursday morning?

NO, I don’t think so.

That’s exactly why I’m calling. It’s totally up to you whether you ever spend any money with me. This meeting will either make you money or save you money. You be the judge, if you don’t feel like our services are right for you, it won’t cost you a thing. You can’t learn less can you? How about Tuesday at one o’clock?

How much does it cost?

That’s exactly why I’m calling. Bad advertising is expensive no matter how little you pay. Let me come by and show you how we do what we do. If it’s not what you’re looking for, it won’t cost you a thing. If you feel good about what you see and you want to talk price, you’ll find that Radio has the lowest Cost per Thousand of any major media. Would Wednesday at eleven o’clock be okay?

Is this about advertising?

That’s why I’m calling. People tell us they don’t like advertising because it’s confusing and hard to measure. We specialize in helping businesses owners feel differently about that. In fifteen minutes you’ll be able to see how we can help. You be the judge whether or not it’s what you’re looking for. Let’s get together so you can see how this is working for other businesses like yours. How do you feel about Tuesday at three o’clock?

I don’t think I’m interested.

That’s exactly why I’m calling! People often tell me that because they don’t want to find themselves in a situation where they feel obligated or pressured to buy something they don’t need or want. That’s why I keep it short, informative and to the point. After seeing my presentation, people say the information is helpful and they’re glad I was persistent. Will Monday afternoon be okay with you?

I’m not interested at this time.

That’s exactly why I’m calling. When people say that to me, it makes me wonder what they’re not interested in, making money or saving money. If you’re afraid of being pressured to buy something, please don’t feel that way. I promise you, fifteen minutes, you can see for yourself what we do. If you feel good about it, we’ll talk business. If not, I’m out the door. Let’s meet on Tuesday afternoon okay?

I don’t use advertising.

That’s exactly why I’m calling! I understand how you feel. Many of our most successful advertisers felt the very same way until they found how our company can help. I don’t do high pressure, I don’t like to be treated that way either. In fifteen minutes you’ll be able to judge for yourself whether or not my services are right for you. Do mornings or afternoons work better for you?

I don’t use radio advertising.

That’s exactly why I’m calling! Why not? In fifteen minutes you’ll see why Radio reaches more people for less money than any other advertising medium. Plus, you’ll see what my company is doing to help local business owners avoid the pitfalls of what we call badvertising. Can we get together on Wednesday?

I use the newspaper because it gets results.

That’s exactly why I’m calling! I’m not asking you to stop using the newspaper; I just want to show you what our other advertisers are doing. If you don’t feel like we can do anything to help you, I’ll be out the door. It won’t cost you a thing just to take a look. You can’t learn less can you? Would Tuesday at ten o’clock be okay?

I tried radio once and it didn’t work.

That’s exactly why I’m calling! I want you to see what our company is doing to about that. In fifteen minutes you’ll probably be able to see why your previous efforts didn’t work out the way you planned. We’re all about good advertising and how to make it possible. If you’re not convinced we can help, there is absolutely no obligation to spend any money. Let’s get together on Wednesday at three o’clock.

I can’t afford it.

That’s exactly why I’m calling! I understand what you’re saying. Bad advertising is very expensive. That’s why I want to show you what we’re doing about it. It will only take fifteen minutes to see how we can help. You’re under no obligation but if you do see something that you feel could help, we can talk. Let’s get together on Monday at three o’clock.

People don’t like spending their money on advertising. You have to address the issue head on. You have to ask “are you saying no because you don’t like spending your money on advertising?” If you have the courage to ask that question, what are they going to say? They have to be honest and say “yes”. Then you can jump in and say “THAT’S EXACTLY WHY I’M CALLING! My company specializes in helping people like you feel differently about that.”

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