Turning Research Into Copy

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Lets begin with some good news. Many lower-income Americans are finally feeling more flush a decade after the recession, say shoppers and retail executives. Lower gas prices and rising hourly wages are giving them extra cash to spend, a boon for Walmart Inc., second-tier mall owners and other retailers that count on them for a large percentage of their sales.

Walmart U.S. CEO Greg Foran said in an interview that the retail giant’s lower-income shoppers are feeling more confident as gas prices fall, wages rise and jobs are easier to find. “As you go through each of those, I think that you’ve got to say that for most people we serve in America it’s OK,” he said on Thanksgiving.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday have come and gone, but this isn’t the time to call it quits!

According to new Google research, only about 18% of shoppers consolidate all of their shopping to the Black Friday-to-Cyber Monday period. That means 82% of purchases are still to be made!

Consumers are spending more time on the path to purchase, taking longer to browse and shop, even right up to Christmas day itself.

All of this data Google data means you and your retail customers still have time to influence these shoppers. You also have more time if you act now, we have an extra BONUS weekend between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Here are four suggestions on how to turn Google data into copy points that will help your retail advertiser tap into the psychology of the holiday shopping consumer.

84% of Americans are shopping for something at any given time and in up to six different categories (1). Copy Point: “ABC Widgets will be open late tonight or anytime on ABC Widgets Dot Com”.

Half of shoppers keep some sort of digital list, whether via smartphone, laptop, app, or digital assistant (2). Copy point: “Make sure you add widgets from ABC Widgets to your shopping list”.

Nearly 9 out of 10 shoppers are not absolutely certain of the brand they want to buy when they begin their path to purchase (3). Copy point: “If widgets are on your shopping list, make sure it’s a widget from the ABC Widget Company”.

Research shows that 61% of shoppers are open to buying from new retailers during the holiday season, and in the 2017 holiday season, almost half of them did (4). Copy Point: “You have a choice where you buy your widgets, try ABC Widgets at 123 Widget Way or online at ABC Widgets Dot Com”.

You can learn how to write emotionally engaging creative commercials as long as you’re willing to make the effort. Send me an email at spike@box2539.temp.domains if you would like some help getting started.

(1) (2) Google/Ipsos, U.S., “Shopping Tracker,” Online survey, n=3,613, online Americans 13+ who shopped in the past two days, Oct.–Dec. 2017.
(3) Google/Ipsos, U.S., Playbook Omnibus 2018, n=1,604, online smartphone users, A18+, Jan. 2018.
(4) Google/Ipsos, U.S., Omnichannel Holiday Study, Holiday shoppers 18+ who shopped in previous 48 hours, n=5944, Nov. 2017–Jan. 2018.

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